If you suffer from migraines and are looking for effective pain relief, turn to chiropractic.  Check out the article below for more information about the benefits of chiropractic.  Call Patrick Chiropractic at (919) 790-2288 to discuss your treatment options!


It's another sunny July afternoon and your kids are out by the pool, laughing, playing and enjoying the sunshine. (Make sure they’re wearing sunscreen!) You’d love to join them, but you’re trapped inside again, enduring the pain and frustration of another migraine headache.

Are you tired of migraine headaches ruining your day? With conventional over-the-counter medications proving less than effective (and often accompanied by dangerous side effects), it’s time to fight the pain from another angle. To find out more about the potential benefits of chiropractic care, schedule an appointment with your doctor of chiropractic.


Tuchin PJ, Pollard H, Bonello R. A randomized controlled trial of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for migraine. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Feb. 2000: Vol. 23, No. 2, pp91-95.

Article retrieved from:  http://www.toyourhealth.com/mpacms/tyh/article.php?id=364
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